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  • Deb Klarfeld and Kathryn Finch

Class Announcements, Hellos and Goodbyes!

This spring we found new ways to communicate with our students and families. Many of us have created screencasts and videos to continue learning online.

However, now we are facing goodbyes online as we near the end of our school year. While there are certainly creative ways to send and deliver messages to our students and families, a video may be a great option. Here's how to spruce up a special message with Clips.

Clips is a simple editing tool app on the iPad and iPhone. When comparing Clips and iMovie, iMovie offers a few more editing features. However if you want a title page, a little music and a short message, Clips might be the tool you are looking for!


Here's an overview of Clips and how to create a short video with an introduction and some music. In this video you will see the three main tabs, camera, library, and posters, along with how to edit a video, and add music.

Important tips not mentioned in the video

Similar to the feature in the camera app on an iPad, there is a rewind and fast forward feature below a video that you can manipulate before importing the video into Clips. This may be helpful when you want to import a portion of a long pre-recorded video.

Before you import a video using the red button in Clips, pinch the video screen to adjust the picture. When you select a video to use in Clips, it defaults to a full screen however some of your video is lost in this view. If you pinch the screen, you will be able to adjust the picture before you hit the red button and import the video into a Clips project.

Create a short introduction with music

Sometimes we want music to play in the introduction of our video but not over our lesson or announcement. If that is the case, here is how you create a short introduction with music and avoid having music over your lesson or announcement.

How do I get my message to Gmail, Social Media, Seesaw or Google Classroom?

This is a pretty easy process! View the following to see how to save your video to the camera roll or send straight to Google Classroom, Google Drive, Gmail, or a handful of other options.

*Correction: The video says the upload button is in the lower left corner but it's the lower right corner.

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